



a chamber play
Written / Directed by Shade Théret and Magdalena Mitterhofer
Performers: Ivan Cheng, Shade Théret and Magdalena Mitterhofer
Dramaturgy: Marie Stolze

a LONGTANG Commission
curated by Ludovica Parenti 
12. -13.09.2020 

rehearsed and shown at Very, Berlin 19.09.2020


Photo /Zürich) : André Simonov
Photo Poster: Valeria Herklotz 
Video (Berlin) : Emma Dudlyke

thanks to Mariechen Danz


Splendid is a chamber play that explores the theme of decay.
Three guests at a bathhouse touch upon topics such as anger, work, loss, and intimacy in their conversations, all the while surrounded by slowly crumbling architecture.
The water that sweeps through the house becomes an activating element in their encounters.
The title is derived from Marie Redonnet's 'Hotel Splendid,' a novella about a woman's futile efforts to operate an inherited hotel in a moorland landscape.



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